Artificial Intelligence

  • Installation, configuration, and fine-tuning of models Llama 2, Bloom, Vicuna, Mistral AI, Gemini.
  • Base model training up to GPT-3.5 level.
  • Additional training of the basic model for specialized tasks (this can be medicine or any other topic).
  • Audio recognition.
  • Image recognition with further transfer to text.
  • Creation of digital twins.

What can gpt be used for?

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a deep learning model that can be used for
various natural language processing tasks. Some of the primary ways in which GPT can be
used include:

  • Text generation: GPT can be used for generating text that is human-like. This can be useful for creating automatic responses to emails, generating product and service descriptions, creating news articles, and much more.
  • AQuestion answering: GPT can be trained on a dataset of questions and answers and used to automatically answer questions posed by users.
  • Sentiment analysis: GPT can be used for analyzing the sentiment of text, such as determining whether a review is positive or negative.
  • IMachine translation: GPT can be used for automatically translating text from one language to another.
  • Speech recognition: GPT can be used for speech recognition, such as creating voice assistants.
  • Recommendations: GPT can be used for creating recommendations, such as recommending products based on customers' purchase history.

These are just a few examples of how GPT can be used. The model can be applied in many
other areas related to natural language processing.

For what business purposes?

GPT can be used for various business purposes that involve natural language processing,
such as:

  • Customer service: GPT can be used for creating chatbots that can provide automated customer support, handle customer inquiries, and improve response times.
  • Marketing and advertising: GPT can be used for creating compelling ad copy, product descriptions, and marketing materials. It can also be used for creating personalized recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Content creation: GPT can be used for generating content for websites, social media platforms, and other marketing channels. It can also be used for creating product descriptions, blogs, and other forms of written content.
  • Data analysis: GPT can be used for analyzing text data, such as customer feedback, social media posts, and online reviews, to gain insights into customer preferences, sentiment, and behavior.
  • Translation services: GPT can be used to provide translation services for businesses that operate globally.
  • Voice assistants: GPT can be used for creating voice assistants that can interact with customers and provide personalized recommendations and support.

These are just a few examples of how GPT can be used in business. The versatility of GPT
makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications in various industries.